The NeoMilk project investigates the issues of where, when, and why dairying arose in temperate Neolithic Europe. It focuses on the introduction and spread of cattle-based agriculture by early Neolithic Linearbandkeramik (LBK) farmers and its implications for modeling of the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in Northern and Central Europe during the 6th millennium BC.
The project consists of three major themes. Theme 1 is focused on organic residues of milk and other products in LBK pottery. Theme 2 approaches the role of domesticated animals in the LBK. The last theme raises the questions concerning chronicling, mapping and correlating patterns of environmental and cultural change related to animal management and milk use.
Many innovative methods have been used to reach the objectives of the project. Among them are: compound-specific stable isotope approach, hydrogen isotope analysis, compound-specific 14C dating, to mention but a few.
The project is funded by an ERC Advanced Grant (2013-2018). One can read more about the project here.