
E-AH was a project which main point of interest was archaeological heritage and its protection and management. It was tested whether E-learning can be a useful tool of knowledge transfer with regard to archaeological heritage.

The project was an attempt to design, develop, test, assess and implement solutions in developing and upgrading vocational skills in heritage sector at the European level. The undertaking had two main target groups. One group consisted of professionals in the sector of archaeological heritage protection and management as well as graduate and extramural students interested in the field. The second group was represented by other specialists (e.g. planners, architects) who have to deal with archaeological heritage in their work.

The project was selected and co-funded by the European Commission and was coordinated by Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (PL/07/LLP-LdV/TOI/140017). E-AH was ran between 2 November 2007 and 31 October 2009 as part of the Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci II Transfer of Innovation, Multilateral Cooperation Projects. It aimed to increase the co-operation in education and training in sector of protection and management of archaeological heritage.